Callie Little Nursing Scholarship
Every year the Wilson Woman's Club donates a total of $5,000 to two deserving nursing students, one attending Barton College and one attending Wilson Community College. Much time and many fundraising efforts are devoted to this cause. We are grateful to members of the community who support our fundraising events.

The pinning ceremony for the graduates of the School of Nursing at Barton College is held in Howard Chapel in early May followed by a reception in Hardy Alumni Hall for nursing graduates, their families and friends.
The Wilson Woman's Club is honored to sponsor the Callie Little Scholarship annually that enables one nursing student graduate to achieve his or her goal of participating in these festivities.

Recipients are selected by
Barton College
Wilson Community College
Join us in creating these higher education opportunities for young people by contributing to:
Callie Little Nursing Scholarship
P.O. Box 372
Wilson, NC 27894-0372